Pokémon Life Pokédex - Charmander

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Charmander

Battle Points: 5

Master Points: 25

Classification: Starter Pokémon

Ability (Active): When the outcome of the move dice is 1 to 3, you may move one tile further. When the outcome of the move dice is 4 to 6, you may move one tile less.

Charges: Unlimited

Evolutionary Chain: Charmander > Charmeleon > Charizard

Capture Location: Receive at Laboratory

Rules and Tricks: Charmander's ability is very useful because you almost never have to land on a tile that you don't desire. Keep in mind that this ability does not actually change the outcome of the move dice, it can only be used when you have started moving.a

Trivia: Did you know that Charmander is the Starter Pokémon that has been changed most often?