Pokémon Life Pokédex - Koffing

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Koffing

Battle Points: 5

Master Points: 25

Classification: Victory pile Pokémon

Ability (Active): If Koffing is knocked out in battle, the opposing Pokémon is knocked out too. This does not count as winning.

Charges: Unlimited

Evolutionary Chain: Koffing > Weezing

Capture Location: Victory pile

Rules and Tricks: When Koffing is knocked out in a duel, you lose the duel. The fact that the opposing Pokémon is knocked out is just a side-effect. If the opposing Pokémon would evolve because it knocked out Koffing, it will (and it won't be knocked out after evolving). Koffing won't evolve if he knocks out an opponent due to this ability.